Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Is it just me..

...or does it seem like so many people -in the kink "world" and otherwise - get too caught up in labels and definitions?

I feel like some people aren't satisfied until they are sure that there is a concrete definition of something, or some label slapped onto it, whether those definitions or labels make any sense at all. Maybe it's a security thing. Are some people just not comfortable with what cannot truly be defined? I often think that some of the most beautiful parts of life and experiences are the things that hold no "true" definition. I'm sure everyone has things they only see black or white on, but where those who insist on having "one true" definition for everything see black or white, I see many, many shades of gray. I don't understand the need to define everything, to insist on having a reference point for everything I come across, whether I understand it or not. If I don't understand something, it's not my job to try to label it or define it and insist that everyone else adhere to whatever I happen to think it is. Maybe some things work like that, but often, they don't.

Even more annoying are those who insist that their definition or one specific definition period is the only definition and the right way. For many things, there is no "right" way. We make our own paths.. our own choices, which lead to our own mistakes, our own successes, our own failures, our own understanding of life, and hopefully, to a lot of learning and growing along the way. 

More annoying still, are those who don't even have a reason as to why they think their way or their beliefs are the only way, or the "right" way. "Because that's the way it is" is about as good an argument as saying, "because I said so!" (only Daddies are allowed to use that phrase.. everyone knows that! *wink*)

Anyway, this isn't a rant, rather just me pondering on things, which I often do. 

For me, writing things out is something that helps me understand things better. Writing frees something in me. There's something about watching the words flow across the screen and then re-reading them. Sometimes it's the best way to organize my thoughts. 

Today was my first day back at work at my home office location -YIPPIE!- and I had a fantastic day. It was nice that my coworkers really let me know that I was missed. It makes me feel appreciated in the work place, and I like that. I like knowing I am needed there and that they think I do a good job. As much as I look forward to the day where I can stay at home and be Daddy's cute little house wifey, I think I will miss things like that. Coworker relations and feeling like I have an important job. I'm not a manager, I don't have a degree, my job can be stressful, but I truly enjoy what I do and that has made all the difference in the world. I can remember days at the Sprint call center where I used to work that I would literally dread going in. The day hadn't even really started yet and I was already dreading it. I think it was then that I knew it was time for a change - a positive one - and I am lucky to have been hired by the company I work for now. It means a lot to feel like more than just another number, a stat, someone occupying space and doing the same thing (mostly) that everyone else does. It might not be the most exciting job and the world and I've met some rather unpleasant patients, but the great and interesting people I have met far outweigh those, and for that, I am thankful for the interactions I get to have with them. 

When Daddy finishes school and gets established in his career -he will either be working for a year, then going to grad school, or he may decide not to go back to school, or to wait even longer, but I am okay with whatever he wants to do, 100%- I think I am going to finally start working on a novel or a real short story - maybe one that someone, somewhere might consider publishing. I've grown more confident in my writing. I may even take some classes at a local college, hopefully some creative-writing and literature based ones. It wouldn't hurt to broaden my horizons. Though I loathed the school environment my last few years of high school, I have to wonder what it would be like now. I think I'd still prefer to take online classes! There's something about school that still makes me squeamish. Perhaps it's because I've had many, many, MANY happier experiences outside of school. I've certainly thrived more socially in the work force and I think I've seen my potential for things that I didn't even know I had potential in. I'm good at talking with and to people. I enjoy it. Though I still crave our cozy home environment, just Daddy, our fur-babies and I, and of course family and a friend or two at times - it's still nice knowing I have those qualities. 

Anyway, I think I've rambled enough tonight. I am so excited to finally have a blog I really feel like updating. Whether anyone reads it or not, I truly don't care. It's nice to have a journal(ish) place to write again! 

Sweet dreams and goodnight from Daddy's Baby Princess Sweetness!

Oh, and by the way, did I mention that I hurt my elbow tonight and Daddy kissed it -though he can't help but shake his head in amused exasperation, in that "you're so stinkin' cute" kind of way- because I am so darn clumsy! He is a wonderful Daddy. I love him so very, very much.. and I think I will convince him to climb in bed for cuddles right now. Goodnight!


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